Monday, October 15, 2007


So I have been complaining about the amount of subs in school so far this year. I mean a lot of them are there for a good reason, however I still have issues. We have been forced into professional developments left and right this year and therefore have had to miss days. This ruins our perfect attendance :). But seriously, we had 11 subs last Friday. Now I was out today so I soukdn't be all mad and whatnot but you know what I will. I actually had a talk with my sub today. He was a nice older guy, but he talked my ear off. However the reason I am writing this is what he told me right when I was going to leave. He looked at me and said " Last week I subbed at {name withheld} and somehow the teachers books got thrown off the desk, into the trash and covered in lotion." Now I know sometimes we all lose control of situations and/or leave an area and stuff happens so I wasn't worried. Then he continued " So after I cleaned off the books I went back to work and it happened (dramatic pause) two more times."

That's when I freaked out a little. I didn't want to come back to my books covered in lotion.
Here is where I stand with my sub issues: if a sub can't be responsible then they should not sub.


A sub sits at the desk with his feet on the desk reading a newspaper while the class runs rampant, throwing stuff. HE SHOULD NOT SUB

A sub sits in the front of the class talking on her cell phone while the students play with chemicals. SHE SHOULD NOT SUB

A sub comes next door to ask you to get the kids under control because she is afraid to say anything to the students. You walk in and the kids are throwing paper balls at each other and sitting at the teachers desk going through his things. THIS MOFO SHOULD NOT SUB

A sub sits on myspace all day. SHOULD NOT SUB

A sub falls asleep because they missed there nap ( this actually happened) : NO SUB FOR YOU

A sub sits at the desk while the students linger in the hall in front of the class: SUB MATERIAL? I THINK NOT

A sub duct tapes students to a chair: YOU GUESSED IT

sorry about all the caps, just had to do it.

So you see I have reasons to not want subs. But hey, sometimes you can't help it so I guess there really isn't any use of complaining. I just hope my room isn''t trashed ( it isn't on fire thank goodness) when I roll in tomorrow. Until next time

Eat a taco because it's good dang it.

Perkins out

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